The Victor Harbor Archery Club is committed to fostering and nurturing all things archery. Our small membership consists of males and females of all age groups and abilities. Amidst our membership we have World and National Champions who are always willing to provide helpful advice when needed. All types of bows - compound, recurve, longbow, horse bows and crossbows are encouraged.
New members and visitors are always welcome.
The VHAC has both an indoor and outdoor archery range and hold regular scheduled shoots at both facilities. .
Archery can be a social activity or provide an opportunity to strive for excellence in a demanding sport leading to Club, State, National and International competitions. Where necessary the club can organise private coaching sessions with experienced and helpful archers should the need arise.
Our club calendar regularly includes:
Beginner training sessions
Scheduled outdoor target, field and 3d shoots
Scheduled indoor Australian18m and WA 18m
Club Championships
Regular QRE's [Qualifying Ranking Events]
State and National Tournaments [when required]
The Victor Harbor Archery Club requires archers shooting with the club [especially beginners] to adhere to the safety protocols as set out by Archery Australia. The complete safety policy document can be viewed through link on left and is essential reading.
Member protection is also vital and is provided through Archery SA. A summary of this document can be viewed via button on left.
Essential points at scheduled shoots are as follows:
Both archers and visitors to complete the sign-in sheets and pay all applicable line fees prior to shooting or practice [indoor and outdoor] for purposes of insurance cover
Archers must enter their names into Archers Diary before commencement of scheduled shoot
Archers wishing to have their scores recorded in Archers Diary must select from the rounds schedule in the calendar.
Maximum of 4 archers per target
DO NOT pull any arrows until after scoring has been completed
Please ensure you put your hand on the target when pulling arrows
If for any reason you are unable to finish the scheduled shoot, you must notify the field captain before leaving
Please do not leave damaged or broken arrows/fletches/nocks on the grounds. If you see any damaged or broken items, please pick and discard carefully
With Archery being an outdoor sport, the risk of heat exposure is ever present. Archery clubs have a duty of care to take precautions to minimise these risks but ultimately archers are responsible for their own safety and well being and as such should consider all possible control measures such as:
Always wear a hat.
Wear appropriate light weight clothing.
Wear shirts with long sleeves.
Always use appropriately rated sun screen.
Consume large amounts of water, avoid soft drinks as they usually encourage dehydration.
Competitors concerned about possible heat risk should review weather forecasts and consider withdrawing from events.
The Victor Harbor Archery Club adopts and supports the World and Archery Australia Hot Weather Policies.